In just about every industry, time is money and anytime your ad can't be seen, you run the risk of losing potential revenue. Luckily, DIE DRAUSSENWERBER offers a selection of backlit display cases in bus/tram waiting shelters. With over 2 m² (city-light-poster format) of space, your advert is sure to be seen by commuters and motorists alike - all day, every day. Whether waiting or merely passing by, advertising space on waiting shelters is strategically positioned in superior sight-lines to ensure they are seen by as many consumer eyes as possible. On-going advertisements in CLP waiting shelters are available for individual bookings and as part of a larger advertising package - bookings are limited exclusively to one customer per location.
The Facts: 783,000 Berliners find poster advertising interesting or informative. (Source: ma 2014 Plakat)
All pricing information is valid for 2025. All prices in Euros plus VAT.
Booking period: 1 year
Prices exclude production
Production of promotional materials is available through DIE DRAUSSENWERBER
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